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Capitainer awarded with “Guldpillret”

Spinn off from KTH and Karolinska Institutet awarded for quality assured dry blood sampling. We congratulate MedTechLabs acting director Niclas Roxhed with…


AI provides greater precision in breast cancer diagnosis

"Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a method based on artificial intelligence (AI) that improves the diagnosis of breast cancer tumors and…


MedTechLabs researchers get funding from Vinnova

New diagnostic solutions based on AI for breast cancer pathology. MSEK 20 granted for clinical implementation. Project conducted in participation with industry…


Has developed a method for valuing medical patents

"Recently, an analysis of Medtechlabs was carried out on behalf of KTH. Patents taken by researchers from Medtechlabs primarily in 3D scanning…


Cancer Research publishes an article by Johan Hartman och Mattias Rantalainen

The journal Cancer Research (IF 12.3) publishes an article with Johan Hartman and Mattias Rantailanen as shared last authors. The article describes…


Dagens industri writes about MedTechLabs

News article on high valuation of research patents. On June 22 Swedens largest financial newspaper published an article about MedTechLabs and the…


Jackpot for research

"New study: The world-class value of Swedish medical technology. At the same world-leading top level as Stanford, Harvard, Oxford and Johns Hopkins,…


Nature Communications publishes article by Niclas Roxhed

Today Nature Communications published the article "Multianalyte serology in home-sampled blood enables an unbiased assessment of the immune response against SARS-CoV-2" with…


Lecture by Mats Danielsson at Johns Hopkins University

“From Quarks to Cancer Control – Science and Lessons Learned Bringing Photon-Counting Detectors to Spectral CT” was the headline when Mats Danielsson,…