- april 20, 2021
Well visited MedTechLabs seminar, interview with Koenraad H. (Hans) Nieboer
On April 19, Koenraad H. Nieboer (Hans), Professor, MD, University Hospital Brussels held a speech on a MedTechLabs seminar. We asked him about his research and why Spectral CT is getting much attention.

Hi Hans, You just held a well visited seminar for MedTechLabs on clinical implementation of spectral imaging. Over 100 professionals signed up for the event! Why is this such a hot topic?
I think it is a hot topic because, at this moment, all prominent CT vendors finally have the opportunity to deliver high-quality spectral imaging with different techniques. Because they can provide these high-quality techniques, they put it to the attention of the radiologists. Nevertheless, spectral CT has been available for over ten years. Still, it takes a lot of time to go from first adaptors to general implementation. It has to fit in the radiologist’s workflow, and they have to see the benefit over time / financial investment. Nowadays, spectral CT can optimise image information and diagnostic accuracy, so we should use it and learn the radiological and medical community because it stays with a bright future in photon-counting CT.
What expectations do you have for your own research the coming year?
There are two topics in spectral imaging that have my particular interest: non-contrast brain IQ and contrast volume reduction in low keV reconstructions for vascular CT. But I keep my eyes and mind open for all possible diagnostic and technical evolutions.
You are a fellow and treasurer of the European Society of Emergency Radiology (ESER). What is the current scope of the organisation?
The ESER is a sub-society of the European Society of Radiology (ESR). The ESER’s primary goal is to advance and improve the radiologic aspects of emergent patient care and to advance the quality of diagnosis and treatment of acutely ill or injured patients by means of medical imaging and to enhance teaching and research in Emergency Radiology. This training includes new technologies like spectral CT. During this pandemic, it is challenging for younger societies, like ESER, to keep their financial balance because we can’t organise physical meetings. Like all societies, we have to make a difference in the online approach, but this is a big challenge. But we stay optimistic as always.
Meeting with the MedTechLabs researchers, what is your reflection of the centre?
This seminar was my first ”physical” encounter with MedtechLabs, and it was an enjoyable experience. From my interests, I was, of course, well informed about the acquisition of Prismatic Sensors by GE Healthcare. I am curious how this cooperation will determine the future of (spectral) CT. Hopefully we are able to meet in person soon and have some more profound discussions!